Sunday, January 24, 2010

starting research into rainforest destruction

To start of my search I googled environmental issues. As I read through some sites the issue I kept seeing was that of rainforest destruction. As I started looking into this I came across the top five causes of destruction. These are development and overconsumption, colonialism, exploitation by industrialized countries, the debt burden of the poorer countries that the rainforest are often in, and the role of poverty and overpopulation. I am getting this information off of a website made by an organization that is out to save the rainforests. This website holds the rich industrialized countries responsible because of their “unrestrained development and the excessive consumption habits.” (
This website explains what all of these causes are. The push for development in these third world countries as caused shifted cultivators. These are peasants that move into the rainforest and establish small-scale farms. Most of these people have been displaced by government coming in and developing their land. Some of the development is focused on tourism, which means developing large areas for hotels and airports. Colonialism refers to the rich countries taking over the poorer countries and taking advantage of their natural resources and interrupting the way the land has been taken care of for thousands of years before. This is really a main cause for displacing the many indigenous tribes that have lived on the land. This exploitation can be blamed on “corruption in government” according to this site. The debt burden refers to the financially poorer countries that must make money by allowing the larger, more powerful countries to come in and exploit the natural resources of the land. Many countries allow this because they have to repay huge debts to the richer countries. Poverty plays a huge rule because the richer countries that come in to help with develop the land, but this doesn’t end up helping the people that need it the most. If often times forces them into more debt.
As I continue researching these problems, I’m finding it hard to pinpoint a specific government organization responsible. I would like to use this problem for my paper, but I’m not sure how to find more information about the exact people responsible. There are many sites telling me the cause of the problem, but no sites that really tell me the sources of the causes. I’m not sure where else to look. Any ideas are welcomed!

1 comment:

  1. some of your research can be for determining the extent and rate of rain forest deforestation and its environmental effects. As you note, the causes are complex. Much is driven by short term profit from slash and burn agriculture and cattle farming. Your controversial issues may come in on what to do about it.
