Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Positin Statment and Food, Inc. Part 2

For my researched argument essay, I have decided to take the position of pro save the rainforest. I chose this position because after researching about the rainforest I’ve become very aware of what it has to offer us, and ways it can still be used and not destroyed at the same time. I plan to cover the medicinal value, ecological value, and economic value the rainforest has. I will give examples of how the rainforest can be used to better local and global communities as long as it is still standing. I plan to also include ways that the average person can help save the rainforest.

I really enjoyed the “Why Bother” section of Food, Inc. It gave me insight to what I can do to help slow global climate change. I feel like it reinforced my want to continue recycling, planting gardens, and minimize the use of electronic devices (which is really hard to do as a college student). My roommates and I planted a garden last year, and I would like to do it again but I’m not sure it will be possible where I will be living. It was such a great convenience to have a garden. It saved me money also which was great! I loved having fresh veggies whenever I needed them. I also try really hard to recycle. It is hard sometimes if I’m not at my house, but I do notice how much it really cuts down on the amount of garbage I have to put out every week. This chapter just really made me want to keep doing things, and if possible do more.

I also found the “Exposure to Pesticides” part interesting. I found the part that linked exposure to pesticides to hyperactivity, behavior disorders, learning disabilities, developmental delays, and motor dysfunctions very interesting since we are seeing an increase in all of these today in our young children. This connection I think would really help change parents minds about going organic. If they didn’t want to before hearing this, I think they will now.

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